Following the conclusion of the Semi-Finals at the World Freestyle Round-Up on Saturday, May 19th, we will have a “Sneak Preview” of the freestyle movie VIRGIN BLACKTOP. The film will be shown in conjunction with Hippie Mikes Worst Trick Party

“Virgin Blacktop: a New York skate odyssey” is an often thrilling and sometimes heart-breaking coming-of-age film about a group of 1977 suburban New York City kids. When they met, they had nothing in common except a love of skateboarding. Despite their vastly different ages, races, and economic backgrounds, they formed “The Wizards,” a competitive freestyle skateboard team. Now, 40 years later, they remain friends, but their lives have followed very different paths, from boardrooms to jail cells.

Director Charlie Samuels video footage captures his team mates lives in a documentary form that compares with Stacy Peralta’s BONES BRIGADE movie in its autobiography style of telling the story of the Wizards Skate Team.

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